We are proud to say – no one else comes close to recreating our value proposition

Our Offerings

Profiling: Obsessed with Intelligence

Many of our team members were intelligence officers first, so we borrowed the best practices from the intelligence officer toolkit and therefore start all of our work by collecting INTEL that is actionable and that drives optimal solutions. Our offerings under the “Profiling” umbrella include:

  • Behavioral Assessments
  • Leadership Assessments
  • Functional Benchmarking
  • Team Assessments/ Benchmarking
  • One-on-One Coaching
  • Team Coaching/Team Building Programs
  • Career Counseling


Energetics:  Obsessed with Accelerated Transformation

Energetics is MVP Group Program’s framework for accelerated transformation. Using our signature framework, we created a diagnostic tool, and the results of the tool are used to create bespoke interventions that leverage “physical learning” to fast track client results. The interventions are co-facilitated by our professional athlete partners and are always learning events that clients tout as some of the most amazing developmental experiences they have ever had. Our offerings under the “Energetics” umbrella include:

    • Individual Executive Coaching Programs
    • Team Coaching/ Team Building Programs

The video below is an introduction to our Energetics Program offerings, which is just one of the many types of breakthrough programs we offer in the talent development space.



Branding: Obsessed with Shaping Identity & Impact

Though the word “brand” is almost as ubiquitous as “EQ” in the corporate world, it is still a vital part of organizational and individual success. Branding is all about creating a connection with your audience to inspire loyalty and to therefore drive bottom-line results. We offer a bevy of personal and organizational branding services that allow businesses (as well as individuals) to achieve their organizational goals. Our offerings under the “Branding” umbrella include:

  • Organizational Rebranding (Internal)
  • Employer Rebranding (External)
  • Image Consulting
  • Diversity Consulting
  • Personal Branding
  • Communications Consulting
  • Outplacement Services


For more information about the additional services sited above, please contact us at info@mvpgroupprogram.com